Visual Analytics Fundamentals: Creating Compelling Data Narratives with Tableau

This Course Includes:

Become a master of visual analytics and data storytelling with the course Visual Analytics Fundamentals: Creating Compelling Data Narratives with Tableau. Through interactive lessons, quizzes, assessments, and hands-on labs, you’ll learn how to present data effectively. You will learn to develop skills in data preparation, visual design principles, and utilizing Tableau to create impactful data visualisations and business presentations that will effectively communicate insights to your audience. Virtual labs will help you practice Tableau in a real-time simulated environment.

Lessons 1: Preface

  • Three Core Takeaways
  • What You’ll Learn in This Book
  • Who This Course Is For
  • Why Tableau?
  • Installing Tableau Desktop
  • Supporting Materials
  • Contents of This Course

Lessons 2: Acknowledgment

Lessons 3: About the Author

Lessons 4: Welcome to Visual Analytics

  • A Visual Revolution
  • The Evolution from Data Visualisation to Visual Data Storytelling
  • A Brief Look at the State of the Industry
  • From Visual to Story: Bridging the Gap
  • Summary

Lessons 5: The Power of Visual Analytics

  • The Science of Storytelling
  • The Power of Stories
  • Summary

Lessons 6: Getting Started with Tableau

  • Using Tableau
  • Why Tableau?
  • The Tableau Product Portfolio
  • Getting Started
  • Installing Tableau Desktop
  • Connecting to Data
  • Adding and Replacing Data Sources
  • Basic Data Prep with Data Interpreter
  • Navigating the Tableau Interface
  • Understanding Dimensions and Measures
  • Summary

Lessons 7: Keeping Visual Analytics in Context

  • Context in Action
  • Exploratory Versus Explanatory Analysis
  • Structuring Visual Analytic Stories
  • Audience Analysis for Storytelling
  • Summary

Lessons 8: Fundamental Data Visualisations

  • The Bar Chart
  • The Line Chart
  • Pie and Doughnut Charts
  • The Scatter Plot
  • The Packed Bubble Chart
  • The Tree Map
  • The Heat Map
  • Summary

Lessons 9: Fundamental Maps

  • Types of Maps
  • Summary

Lessons 10: Design Tips for Curating Visual Analytics

  • Visual Design Building Blocks
  • Colour
  • Colour Effects
  • Pre-attentive Colours
  • Important Colour Considerations
  • The Truth About Red and Green
  • Lines
  • Formatting, Shadin, and Banding
  • Shapes
  • Summary

Lessons 11: Structuring Analytics for Storytelling: Prep, Dashboards, and Stories

  • Basic Data Prep in Tableau: Data Interpreter
  • Storyboarding Your Visual Analytics
  • Summary

Lessons 12: Beyond Fundamentals: Advanced Visualisations

  • Timelines
  • Bar-in-Bar Charts
  • Likert-Scale Visualisations
  • Lollipop Charts
  • Word Clouds
  • Summary

Lessons 13: Closing Thoughts

  • Five Steps to Visual Data Storytelling
  • The Important Role of Feedback
  • Ongoing Learning

Appendix A. Tableau Services

  • eLearning
  • Instructor-Led Training
  • Tableau Help
  • Tableau Community
  • Tableau Knowledge Base

Hands-on LAB Activities

The Power of Visual Analytics

  • Creating a Story

Getting Started with Tableau

  • Creating a Connection in a New Workbook
  • Using the Show Me Card

Fundamental Data Visualisations

  • Creating a Bar Chart
  • Creating a Line Chart
  • Creating a Doughnut Chart
  • Creating a Pie Chart
  • Creating a Scatter Plot
  • Creating a Bubble Chart
  • Creating a Tree Map
  • Creating a Heat Map

Fundamental Maps

  • Creating a Choropleth Map
  • Creating a Hierarchy

Design Tips for Curating Visual Analytics

  • Using the PROPER() Function
  • Creating a Calculated Field
  • Using the Shape Marks Card

Beyond Fundamentals: Advanced Visualisations

  • Creating a Bar-in-Bar Chart
  • Creating a Divergent Stacked Bar Chart
  • Creating a Stacked Bar Chart
  • Creating a Lollipop Chart

Exam FAQs

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14+ Lessons

Delivery Method:




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