System Analysis and Design

This Course Includes:

Enrol in System Analysis and Design course to gain hands-on expertise on system analysis techniques. The course and labs provide an understanding of core concepts such as data flow diagrams, system acquisition strategies, hardware and software specification.  The course helps students to develop a professional analyst’s skills and an instinct for approach, tools and methodologies.

Lessons 1: The Systems Analyst and Information Systems Development

  • Introduction
  • The Systems Analyst
  • The Systems Development Life Cycle
  • Project Identification and Initiation
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Lesson Review
  • Exercises
  • Appendix 1a: Detailed Economic Feasibility Analysis For DrŌnteq

Lessons 2: Project Selection and Management

  • Project Selection
  • Creating the Project Plan
  • Staffing the Project
  • Managing and Controlling the Project
  • Applying the Concepts at DrōnTeq
  • Lesson Review
  • Appendix 2A Questions
  • Appendix 2B: Questions
  • Exercises
  • Minicases
  • Appendix 2A: The Function Point Approach

Lessons 3: Requirements Determination

  • The Analysis Phase
  • Requirements Determination
  • Requirements Elicitation Techniques
  • Requirements Analysis Strategies
  • Applying the Concepts at DrōnTeq
  • Lesson Review
  • Exercises
  • Minicases

Lessons 4: Use Case Analysis

  • What Is a Use Case?
  • Use Case Formats and Elements
  • Applying Use Cases
  • Creating Use Cases
  • Applying the Concepts at DrōnTeq
  • Lesson Review
  • Exercises

Lessons 5: Process Modelling

  • Data Flow Diagrams
  • Creating Data Flow Diagrams
  • Applying the Concepts at DrōnTeq
  • Lesson Review
  • Questions
  • Exercises

Lessons 6: Data Modeling

  • Introduction
  • The Entity Relationship Diagram
  • Creating an Entity Relationship Diagram
  • Validating an Entity Relationship Diagram
  • Lesson Review
  • Questions
  • Exercises
  • Appendix 6A: Normalising The Data Model

Lessons 7: Moving into Design

  • Introduction
  • Transition from Requirements to Design
  • System Acquisition Strategies
  • Influences on the Acquisition Strategy
  • Selecting an Acquisition Strategy
  • Lesson Review
  • Exercises

Lessons 8: Architecture Design

  • Introduction
  • Elements of an Architecture Design
  • Creating an Architecture Design
  • Hardware and Software Specification
  • Applying the Concepts at DrōnTeq
  • Lesson Review

Lessons 9: User Interface Design

  • Introduction
  • The Usability Concept
  • Principles for User Interface Design
  • User Interface Design Process
  • Navigation Design
  • Input Design
  • Output Design
  • Applying the Concepts at DrōnTeq
  • Lesson Review
  • Exercises

Lessons 10: Program Design

  • Moving from Logical to Physical Process Models
  • Designing Programs
  • Structure Chart
  • Program Specification
  • Lesson Review
  • Questions
  • Minicases

Lessons 11: Data Storage Design

  • Data Storage Formats
  • Moving from Logical to Physical Data Models
  • Optimising Data Storage
  • Lesson Review
  • Exercises

Lessons 12: Moving into Implementation

  • Managing the Programming Process
  • Testing
  • Developing Documentation
  • Applying the Concepts at DrōnTeq
  • Lesson Review
  • Questions

Lessons 13: Transition to the New System

  • Making the Transition to the New System
  • The Migration Plan
  • Applying the Concepts at DrōnTeq
  • Lesson Review
  • Questions
  • Minicases

Hands-on LAB Activities (Performance Labs)

The Systems Analyst and Information Systems Development

  • Understanding Systems Development Life Cycle
  • Understanding System Analyst Skills
  • Identifying Costs and Benefits

Project Selection and Management

  • Creating the Project Plan
  • Understanding CASE

Requirements Determination

  • Understanding Non-functional Requirements
  • Understanding Interview Questions
  • Understanding Requirements Analysis Strategies

Use Case Analysis

  • Creating Use Cases

Process Modeling

  • Creating Data Flow Diagrams

Data Modeling

  • Creating an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Moving into Design

  • Selecting an Acquisition Strategy

Architecture Design

  • Understanding Client-Server Architectures
  • Understanding Operational Requirements

User Interface Design

  • Understanding Common Android Touch Screen Hand Gesture
  • Understanding Types of Menus
  • Understanding Types of Input Validation

Program Design

  • Understanding Types of Cohesion
  • Understanding Structure Chart Elements

Data Storage Design

  • Understanding Data Storage Design

Moving into Implementation

  • Identifying Type of Test
  • Building a System

Transition to the New System

  • Selecting the Conversion Strategy

Exam FAQs

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System Analysis & Design


13+ Lessons | 98+ Quizzes | 324+ Flashcards | 324+ Glossary of terms

Delivery Method:




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