Starting out with Programming Logic & Design

This Course Includes:

Get hands-on experience in complex programming with the Programming Logic & Design course and lab. The course provides a vivid introduction to current programming languages with clear and approachable code snippets and programs for better understanding. The course and lab offer easy-to-understand pseudocode, flowcharts and other tools. It illustrates how to design the logic of programs with a firm emphasis on logical thought processes and models. Programming Logic & Design uses a language-independent approach to teach programming concepts and problem-solving skills.

Lessons 1: Preface

  • Brief Overview of Each Lesson
  • Organisation of the Text

Lessons 2: Introduction to Computers and Programming

  • Hardware
  • How Computers Store Data
  • How a Program Works
  • Types of Software

Lessons 3: Input, Processing and Output

  • Designing a Program
  • Output, Input and Variables
  • Variable Assignment and Calculations
  • Variable Declarations and Data Types
  • Named Constants
  • Hand Tracing a Program
  • Documenting a Program
  • Designing Your First Program
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 4: Modules

  • Introduction to Modules
  • Defining and Calling a Module
  • Local Variables
  • Passing Arguments to Modules
  • Global Variables and Global Constants
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 5: Decision Structures and Boolean Logic

  • Introduction to Decision Structures
  • Dual Alternative Decision Structures
  • Comparing Strings
  • Nested Decision Structures
  • The Case Structure
  • Logical Operators
  • Boolean Variables
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 6: Repetition Structures

  • Introduction to Repetition Structures
  • Condition-Controlled Loops: While, Do-While, and Do-Until
  • Count-Controlled Loops and the For Statement
  • Calculating a Running Total
  • Sentinels
  • Nested Loops
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 7: Functions

  • Introduction to Functions: Generating Random Numbers
  • Writing Your Own Functions
  • More Library Functions
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 8: Input Validation

  • Garbage In, Garbage Out
  • The Input Validation Loop
  • Defensive Programming
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 9: Arrays

  • Array Basics
  • Sequentially Searching an Array
  • Processing the Contents of an Array
  • Parallel Arrays
  • Two-Dimensional Arrays
  • Arrays of Three or More Dimensions
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 10: Sorting and Searching Arrays

  • The Bubble Sort Algorithm
  • The Selection Sort Algorithm
  • The Insertion Sort Algorithm
  • The Binary Search Algorithm

Lessons 11: Files

  • Introduction to File Input and Output
  • Using Loops to Process Files
  • Using Files and Arrays
  • Processing Records
  • Control Break Logic
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 12: Menu-Driven Programs

  • Introduction to Menu-Driven Programs
  • Modularising a Menu-Driven Program
  • Using a Loop to Repeat the Menu
  • Multiple-Level Menus
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 13: Text Processing

  • Character-by-Character Text Processing
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 14: Recursion

  • Introduction to Recursion
  • Problem Solving with Recursion
  • Examples of Recursive Algorithms
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python, and C++

Lessons 15: Object-Oriented Programming

  • Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming
  • Using the Unified Modeling Language to Design Classes
  • Finding the Classes and Their Responsibilities in a Problem
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Lessons 16: GUI Applications and Event-Driven Programming

  • Graphical User Interfaces
  • Designing the User Interface for a GUI Program
  • Writing Event Handlers
  • Designing Apps For Mobile Devices
  • Focus on Languages: Java, Python and C++

Appendix A: ASCII/Unicode Characters

Appendix B: Flowchart Symbols

Appendix C: Pseudocode Reference

Appendix D: Converting Decimal Numbers to Binary

Hands-on LAB Activities

Introduction to Computers and Programming

Input, Processing and Output


Decision Structures and Boolean Logic

Repetition Structures


Input Validation


Sorting and Searching Arrays


Menu-Driven Programs

Text Processing


Object-Oriented Programming

GUI Applications and Event-Driven Programming

Exam FAQs

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Programming Logic & Design


20+ Lessons

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