Microsoft Project 2021

This Course Includes:

Learn how to effectively manage your projects through the basics of Microsoft Project capabilities. The course Microsoft Project 2021 focuses on the best and easiest ways to use Project to plan, schedule, manage resources, track progress and view and report project information. This course consists of 14 lessons, each of which includes learning objectives, major concepts, step-by-step procedures, key terms, knowledge checks, and quizzes. It also includes assessment questions and live labs to provide you with a hands-on experience in Microsoft Project 2021.

Lessons 1: Introduction

  • Who Will Benefit Most from This Course
  • Features

Lessons 2: Project Management Basics

  • Projects and Project Managers
  • The Project Triangle
  • Project Processes
  • Project Management Methodologies

Lessons 3: Introducing Microsoft Project

  • How Microsoft Project Helps
  • Microsoft Project Solutions
  • Touring the Microsoft Project App
  • Get Help with Project

Lessons 4: Establish a Strong Foundation

  • Initiate the Project
  • Start Planning
  • Organise Project Plan Documents
  • Set Milestones

Lessons 5: Set Up the Project and Tasks

  • Start a New Project Plan
  • Set the Project Start Date
  • Enter Task Names
  • Sequence Tasks
  • Organise the Task Outline

Lessons 6: Build the Schedule

  • Decide on Automatic Scheduling
  • Get to Know the Gantt Chart
  • Enter Task Durations
  • Link Dependent Tasks
  • Schedule Sprints for an Agile Project
  • Identify Any Hardwired Dates
  • Enter Deadline Reminders
  • Use Project and Task Calendars

Lessons 7: Set Up Resources

  • Add Resources to the Plan
  • Enter Resource Costs
  • Refine Resource Unit Availability
  • Customise Resource Calendars

Lessons 8: Assign Resources to Tasks

  • Assign Work Resources to Tasks
  • Assign Material Resources to Tasks
  • Assign Cost Resources to Tasks
  • Review Resource Assignments
  • Task Costs from Assignments
  • Change Assignments

Lessons 9: Check and Adjust the Project

  • Check the Project Finish Date
  • Check Costs
  • Check Resource Assignments
  • Set the Project Baseline

Lessons 10: Track Project Information

  • Collect Progress Information
  • Enter Actuals in a Waterfall Project
  • Update Status in an Agile Project
  • Respond to Changes

Lessons 11: View Project Information

  • See the Data You Need
  • Change Columns in a Sheet View
  • Print a View
  • Work with More Views

Lessons 12: Customise Project Information

  • Customise a Sheet View
  • Customise a Gantt View
  • Customise a Board View
  • Set Options and Preferences

Lessons 13: Report Project Information

  • Work with Reports
  • Work with Dashboards
  • Create a New Report or Dashboard
  • Print a Report

Lessons 14: Obtain Project Acceptance

  • Present the Project to the Sponsor
  • Secure Official Project Sign-Off
  • Celebrate With Your Team

Lessons 15: Retain Project History

  • Document Lessons Learned
  • Archive Project History

Hands-on LAB Activities

Establish a Strong Foundation

  • Attaching a Document to a Project Plan

Set Up the Project and Tasks

  • Adapting a Project Template
  • Creating a New Blank Project
  • Setting the Project Start Date
  • Working with Tasks on the Task Sheet

Build the Schedule

  • Setting Calendar Options
  • Setting Deadlines

Set Up Resources

  • Switching to the Resource Sheet
  • Customising Resource Calendars

Assign Resources to Tasks

  • Assigning Work Resources to Tasks
  • Assigning Material Resources to Tasks
  • Assigning Cost Resources to Tasks
  • Replacing a Resource Assignment

Check and Adjust the Project

  • Adding the Project Entry Bar to the Project
  • Setting a Project Baseline

View Project Information

  • Sorting Project Information by a Specific Field
  • Adjusting the Timescale
  • Highlighting Project Information by a Specific Field
  • Adding Columns to a Sheet View
  • Printing the View as a PDF File

Customise Project Information

  • Changing the Text Wrapping in a Sheet View Column
  • Changing Text Alignment in a Sheet View Column
  • Modifying Text Styles in a Sheet View
  • Formatting Text for an Entire Sheet View
  • Formatting Individual Text in a Sheet View
  • Changing the Colour Combination of all the Gantt Bars in a Gantt View
  • Changing the Colour of an Individual Gantt Bar
  • Adding Text to the Timescale Area of a Gantt View

Report Project Information

  • Creating a New Report

Exam FAQs

FAQ's are not Available for this course.



MS Project 2021


15+ Lessons

Delivery Method:




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