Microsoft Excel 2021 Intermediate

This Course Includes:

Gain the skills required to work in Excel 2021 with the Microsoft Excel 2021 Intermediate course and lab. This course builds upon the foundational knowledge presented in the Microsoft® Office Excel® 2021: Part 1 course and will help start you to create advanced workbooks and worksheets that can help deepen your understanding of organisational intelligence. After taking this course, you will be able to analyse massive amounts of data, extract actionable information from it and present that information to decision-makers.

Lessons 1: About This Course

  • Course Description

Lessons 2: Working with Functions

  • Topic A: Work with Ranges
  • Topic B: Use Specialised Functions
  • Topic C: Work with Logical Functions
  • Topic D: Work with Date and Time Functions
  • Topic E: Work with Text Functions

Lessons 3: Working with Lists

  • Topic A: Sort Data
  • Topic B: Filter Data
  • Topic C: Query Data with Database Functions
  • Topic D: Outline and Subtotal Data

Lessons 4: Analysing Data

  • Topic A: Create and Modify Tables
  • Topic B: Apply Intermediate Conditional Formatting
  • Topic C: Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting

Lessons 5: Visualising Data with Charts

  • Topic A: Create Charts
  • Topic B: Modify and Format Charts
  • Topic C: Use Advanced Chart Features

Lessons 6: Using PivotTables and PivotCharts

  • Topic A: Create a PivotTable
  • Topic B: Analyse PivotTable Data
  • Topic C: Present Data with Pivot Charts
  • Topic D: Filter Data by Using Timelines and Slicers

Appendix A: Microsoft® Excel® 2021 Common Keyboard Shortcuts

Appendix B: Financial Functions

Appendix C: Working with Graphical Objects

  • Topic A: Insert Graphical Objects
  • Topic B: Modify Graphical Objects
  • Topic C: Work with SmartArt

Hands-on LAB Activities

Working with Functions

  • Creating Named Ranges
  • Editing Range Names
  • Using an Existing Range in a Function
  • Using the Formula AutoComplete Method to Enter Range Names
  • Using the TODAY Function
  • Calculating the Years of Service for Each Employee
  • Adding the Arguments for the IF Portion of the Nested Function
  • Calculating the 1 Percent Goal Bonus for Employees
  • Using the NETWORKDAYS Function
  • Extracting the Building Code from the Combined Field
  • Extracting the Floor Code from the Combined Field
  • Concatenating the Names in a Single Field

Working with Lists

  • Filtering the Data for all Employees
  • Creating a Custom Filter
  • Using Database Functions

Analysing Data

  • Converting the Data into a Table
  • Applying a Quick Style to a Table
  • Adding New Entries to a Table

Visualising Data with Charts

  • Creating a Clustered Column Chart
  • Changing the Labels of the Line Chart
  • Changing the Chart Type
  • Creating the Combo Chart
  • Adding the Trendline
  • Saving a Chart as a Template

Using PivotTables and PivotCharts

  • Adding Fields to the PivotTable
  • Building the PivotTable Report
  • Sorting the Values
  • Modifying the Formatting of the PivotTable Report
  • Modifying the PivotTable Report
  • Inserting a Timeline

Exam FAQs

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MS Excel 2021 Int


9+ Lessons

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