Management Information System (MIS)

This Course Includes:

Discover the power of Management Information System (MIS) through our engaging and dynamic course. With interactive lessons, quizzes, test preps, and hands-on labs, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how MIS controls crucial hardware and software systems for effective decision-making within organisations. Covering MIS historical significance as the backbone of early enterprise computing to its evolution into a broader range of internal systems, the course will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the ever-changing field of information systems management.

Lessons 1: Preface

  • MIS Versus IT Management

Lessons 2: Importance of MIS

  • What Is MIS?
  • What Are the Objectives of MIS?
  • What Are the Characteristics of MIS?
  • What Are the Functions of MIS?
  • What Are the Common Challenges of Implementing MIS in Organisations?
  • Summary

Lessons 3: Organisational Strategy and Information Systems Strategy

  • What Is an Organisational Strategy?
  • What Are the Key Elements of an Organisational Strategy?
  • How Do You Develop a Good Organisational Strategy?
  • What Is an Information Systems Strategy?
  • What Is the Importance of Aligning Organisational and Information Systems Strategies?
  • Summary

Lessons 4: Business Information Systems

  • What Is the Business Information System (BIS)?
  • How Do Organisations Use Business Intelligence (BI) Systems?
  • What Is the Impact of BIS on Your Career?
  • Summary

Lessons 5: Hardware

  • What Do Business Professionals Need to Know About Computer Hardware?
  • How Can New Hardware Affect Competitive Strategies?
  • Summary

Lessons 6: Software

  • What Do Business Professionals Need to Know About Software?
  • What Is the Importance of Virtualisation?
  • What Are the Differences Between Native and Web Applications?
  • Summary

Lessons 7: Mobile Systems

  • Why Are Mobile Systems Increasingly Important?
  • What Are the Challenges of Personal Mobile Devices at Work?
  • Summary

Lessons 8: Database Processing

  • What Is a Database?
  • What Is Database Processing?
  • What Is a Database Management System (DBMS)?
  • How Are Data Models Used for Database Development?
  • How Is a Data Model Transformed into a Database Design?
  • Summary

Lessons 9: Data Communication and Networking

  • What Is Data Communication and Networking?
  • What Are Network Topologies and Protocols?
  • What Are Internet, Intranet, and Extranet?
  • What Is Wireless Technology?
  • Summary

Lessons 10: Cloud Computing

  • Why Are Organisations Moving to the Cloud?
  • What Network Technology Supports the Cloud?
  • Summary

Lessons 11: Global E-Business

  • What Is Global E-Business?
  • What Is E-Commerce?
  • What Is Supply Chain Management (SCM)?
  • Summary

Lessons 12: Collaboration Information Systems

  • What Are the Criteria for Successful Collaboration?
  • What Are the Primary Purposes of Collaboration?
  • Which Collaboration Tool Is Right for a Team?
  • Summary

Lessons 13: Achieve Competitive Advantage with Information Systems

  • How Do Information Systems Provide Competitive Advantages?
  • How Can Information Systems Improve Process Quality?
  • How Do AI, CRM, ERP, and EAI Support Enterprise Processes?
  • What Are the Challenges of Implementing and Upgrading Enterprise Information Systems?
  • Summary

Lessons 14: Information Systems Security

  • What Is the Goal of Information Systems Security?
  • How Should Organisations Respond to Security Threats?
  • How Can Technical Safeguards Protect Against Security Threats?
  • How Can Data Safeguards Protect Against Security Threats?
  • How Can Human Safeguards Protect Against Security Threats?
  • Summary

Lessons 15: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems

  • What Do You Mean by Ethical and Social Issues?
  • What Are the Emerging Ethical and Social Issues in an Organisation?
  • What Is the Impact of Ethical and Social Issues on Organisations?
  • How to Overcome Ethical and Social Issues in an Organisation?
  • Summary

Lessons 16: Information Systems Development and Management

  • How Are Business Processes, Information Systems and Applications Developed?
  • How Do Organisations Use Business Process Management (BPM)?
  • What Are the Phases Involved in SDLC?
  • How Does Scrum Overcome the Problems of SDLC?
  • How Is Outsourcing Used to Manage Information Systems?
  • What Are User Rights and Responsibilities?
  • Summary

Hands-on LAB Activities (Performance Labs)

Importance of MIS

  • Identifying Activities

Organisational Strategy and Information Systems Strategy

  • Understanding Organisational Strategies
  • Identifying Organisational and Information Systems Strategies

Business Information Systems

  • Understanding Types of BI Analysis


  • Identifying Development Languages for Applications

Database Processing

  • Identifying Database Administration Tasks

Data Communication and Networking

  • Identifying Components and Types of Networking
  • Understanding Network Topologies

Collaboration Information Systems

  • Identifying Project Management Tasks

Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems

  • Identifying Ethical and Social Issues

Exam FAQs

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16+ Lessons

Delivery Method:




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