Learning Tableau

This Course Includes:

This course allows you to get hands-on experience in Tableau with the Learning Tableau course and lab. Tableau has made it easy and intuitive to be hands-on with the data, to receive instant visual feedback with every action, and to ask questions and uncover insights in a natural flow of thought and interaction. The course Learning Tableau looks at Tableau through the lens of understanding the underlying paradigm of how and why Tableau works in the context of practical examples. It covers the Tableau concepts in detail with well-descriptive interactive lessons containing assessment questions, knowledge checks, and live labs.

Lessons 1: Introduction

  • Who this course is for?
  • What this course covers?
  • To get the most out of this course
  • Download the example code files
  • Conventions used

Lessons 2: Taking Off with Tableau

  • The cycle of analytics
  • Connecting to data
  • Foundations for building visualisations
  • Visualising data
  • Putting everything together in a dashboard
  • Summary

Lessons 3: Working with Data in Tableau

  • The Tableau paradigm
  • Connecting to data
  • Managing data source metadata
  • Working with extracts instead of live connections
  • Tableau file types
  • Joins and blends
  • Filtering data
  • Summary

Lessons 4: Venturing on to Advanced Visualisations

  • Comparing values
  • Visualising dates and times
  • Relating parts of the data to the whole
  • Visualising distributions
  • Visualising multiple axes to compare different measures
  • Summary

Lessons 5: Starting an Adventure with Calculations

  • Introduction to calculations
  • Row-level calculations
  • Aggregate-level calculations
  • Level of detail calculations
  • Parameters
  • Practical examples of calculations and parameters
  • Ad hoc calculations
  • Performance considerations
  • Summary

Lessons 6: Diving Deep with Table Calculations

  • An overview of Table Calculations
  • Quick Table Calculations
  • Relative versus fixed
  • Custom Table Calculations
  • Practical examples
  • Data densification
  • Summary

Lessons 7: Making Visualisations That Look Great and Work Well

  • Visualisation considerations
  • Leveraging formatting in Tableau
  • Adding value to visualisations
  • Summary

Lessons 8: Telling a Data Story with Dashboards

  • Key concepts for dashboards
  • Designing dashboards in Tableau
  • Dashboard example – is least profitable always unprofitable?
  • Designing for different displays and devices
  • How actions work
  • Dashboard example – regional scorecard
  • Stories
  • Summary

Lessons 9: Digging Deeper - Trends, Clustering, Distributions, and Forecasting

  • Trends
  • Clustering
  • Distributions
  • Forecasting
  • Summary

Lessons 10: Cleaning and Structuring Messy Data

  • Structuring data for Tableau
  • Dealing with data structure issues
  • Overview of advanced fixes for data problems
  • Summary

Lessons 11: Introducing Tableau Prep

  • Getting prepped to explore Tableau Prep
  • Understanding the Tableau Prep Builder Interface
  • Flowing with the fundamental paradigm
  • Summary

Lessons 12: Advanced Visualizations, Techniques, Tips, and Tricks

  • Advanced visualisations
  • Sheet swapping and dynamic dashboards
  • Mapping techniques
  • Using background images
  • Animation
  • Transparency
  • Summary

Lessons 13: Sharing Your Data Story

  • Presenting, printing, and exporting
  • Sharing with users of Tableau Desktop or Tableau Reader
  • Sharing with users of Tableau Server, Tableau Online, and Tableau Public
  • Summary

Hands-on LAB Activities

Taking Off with Tableau

  • Creating a Connection in a New Workbook
  • Creating a Bar Chart
  • Creating a Line Chart
  • Creating Filled, Symbol, and Density Maps
  • Using the Show Me Toolbar
  • Building a Dashboard

Working with Data in Tableau

  • Viewing the Aggregate Data
  • Connecting to an Excel File
  • Connecting to a Data Source and Managing Metadata

Venturing on to Advanced Visualisations

  • Highlighting Categories of Interest
  • Building a Bar-in-Bar Chart
  • Building a Bullet Graph
  • Creating a Gantt Chart
  • Creating a Stacked Bar Chart

Starting an Adventure with Calculations

  • Performing Aggregate-level Calculations
  • Enhancing the User Experience, Analysis, and Visualisations

Diving Deep with Table Calculations

  • Performing Quick Table Calculations

Telling a Data Story with Dashboards

  • Creating a Dashboard and Implementing Actions
  • Using a Set Action
  • Creating a Regional Scoreboard
  • Creating a Story

Cleaning and Structuring Messy Data

  • Creating a Union

Introducing Tableau Prep

Exam FAQs

FAQ's are not Available for this course.



Learning Tableau


13+ Lessons | 105+ Quizzes | 115+ Flashcards | 115+ Glossary of terms

Delivery Method:




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