CIW: JavaScript Specialist (1D0-735)

This Course Includes:

Kick start your prep for the CIW 1D0-735 exam with the CIW JavaScript Specialist course. The lab is cloud-based, device-enabled, and can easily be integrated with an LMS. This online JavaScript course and lab provide complete coverage of the 1D0-735 exam objectives and helps in mastering essential JavaScript principles and practices; intermediate JavaScript programming techniques applied for JavaScript technology extensions.

What do you get:

The CIW JavaScript Specialist certification is the fourth credential in the CIW Web Development series certification. This exam validates your expertise in website implementation including authoring and scripting, web content creation, web management, digital media tools, and many more. The 1D0- 735 exam objectives are divided into domains like essential JavaScript principles and practices, intermediate JavaScript programming techniques, applied JavaScript and JavaScript technology extensions.

Lessons 1: Introduction to JavaScript

  • JavaScript Characteristics
  • JavaScript and Common Programming Concepts
  • JavaScript Flavours and Versions
  • Technologies based on JavaScript
  • Server-Side vs. Client-Side Applications
  • Annotating Your Code with Comments
  • Expanding the Role of JavaScript

Lessons 2: Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript

  • Using JavaScript to Communicate with the User
  • Using Data More Than Once: Variables
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Expressions
  • JavaScript Alerts and Prompts
  • Inline Scripting, Simple User Events and Basic Event Handlers
  • JavaScript Keywords and Reserved Words

Lessons 3: Functions, Methods and Events in JavaScript

  • Introduction to Functions
  • Defining a Function
  • Calling a Function
  • Methods as Functions
  • Types of Functions
  • User Events and JavaScript Event Handlers

Lessons 4: Debugging and Troubleshooting JavaScript

  • What Is Debugging?
  • Tools for Debugging Code
  • Testing Code in Various Browsers
  • Debugging Logic Errors
  • JavaScript and Mobile Devices

Lessons 5: Controlling Program Flow in JavaScript

  • Controlling Decisional Program Flow
  • The if...else statement
  • The while Statement
  • The for statement
  • The break Statement
  • The continue statement
  • The switch statement

Lessons 6: The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)

  • The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
  • The window Object
  • The document Object
  • The image Object
  • The history Object
  • The location Object
  • The navigator Object
  • The Virtual DOM

Lessons 7: JavaScript Language Objects

  • Introduction to JavaScript Language Objects
  • The String Object
  • Evaluating Strings
  • JavaScript Regular Expressions
  • The Array Object
  • The forEach() method
  • The Map() Method
  • The Date Object
  • Setting and Extracting Time Information
  • The Math Object

Lessons 8: Custom JavaScript Objects

  • Creating Custom Objects
  • Creating a JavaScript Object: The Constructor
  • Creating an Instance of a Custom Object
  • Creating Object Methods
  • Creating Functions for Your Objects
  • Concept of Classes
  • Iterators and Generators

Lessons 9: Changing HTML on the Fly

  • Changing HTML on the Fly
  • Using the getElementById Method
  • Using the getElementsByName Method
  • Using the getElementsByTagName Method
  • Using the getElementsByClassName Method
  • Modifying Attributes within the DOM
  • Appending Text to the DOM

Lessons 10: Developing Interactive Forms with JavaScript

  • Interactive Forms
  • Overview of Form Elements
  • Referring to Form Elements
  • The form Object
  • The input Elements and text Objects
  • The textarea object
  • The select Object
  • Form Validation
  • Common form Security Errors

Lessons 11: JavaScript Security

  • Introduction to JavaScript Security Issues
  • Browser vs. Operating System
  • Browser-Specific Security Issues
  • Browser Compatibility and Client-Side Detection
  • Script Blocking
  • Differences in document.write Among Browsers
  • Malicious and Accidental Coding
  • Frame-to-Frame URL Changing
  • Signed Scripts
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Cookies and Security in JavaScript
  • Ethics in Collecting, Storing, Using and Protecting User Data
  • Creating Secure JavaScript Code

Lessons 12: JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

  • Introduction to JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
  • Choosing a Code Library
  • External and Pre-Made Scripts
  • Loading Your First Library
  • Using JavaScript Library Plug-ins
  • Using Frameworks
  • Best Practices with JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
  • Copyright Issues and JavaScript

Lessons 13: JavaScript and AJAX

  • Introduction to AJAX
  • Handling Data and Content Types
  • Interactions Among JavaScript, Data, and HTML
  • Using AJAX Scripts
  • AJAX and Servers
  • AJAX and Databases
  • Usability Issues with AJAX
  • Combining AJAX with Libraries

Lessons 14: Introduction to Web APIs

  • Web Application Programming Interface (API)
  • The Web Storage API
  • The Geolocation API
  • The Canvas API

Hands-on LAB Activities (Performance Labs)

Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript

  • Using the concat() method

Introduction to JavaScript

  • Understanding Basic Concepts of JavaScript (JS)

Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript

  • Working with data types
  • Using arithmetic operators - Part 1
  • Using arithmetic operators - Part 2
  • Using comparison and logical operators
  • Using the confirm() method
  • Using the prompt() method
  • Using the onLoad event handler and inline scripting

Functions, Methods and Events in JavaScript

  • Working with Functions
  • Understanding anonymous functions

Controlling Program Flow in JavaScript

  • Using the if-else statement
  • Using the ternary if-else statement
  • Understanding the while Loop
  • Understanding the do-while loop
  • Using the for loop
  • Using the forEach statement
  • Understanding the break statement
  • Understanding the continue statement
  • Using the switch statement - Part 1
  • Using the switch statement - Part 2
  • Replacing the if-else block with the switch statement

The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)

  • Understanding the window object
  • Understanding the document object
  • Accessing images in a document
  • Understanding the location object properties
  • Displaying information about a browser

JavaScript Language Objects

  • Formatting strings
  • Evaluating strings
  • Working with arrays - Part 1
  • Creating a regular expression - Part 1
  • Creating a regular expression - Part 2
  • Working with arrays - Part 2
  • Using the sort() method
  • Using the map() function - Part 1
  • Using the map() function - Part 2
  • Using the Date object - Part 1
  • Using the Date object - Part 2
  • Using mathematical functions

Custom JavaScript Objects

  • Creating constructor functions
  • Creating Objects
  • Creating classes
  • Using the call() method
  • Using the apply() method

Changing HTML on the Fly

  • Accessing HTML elements using their id
  • Accessing HTML elements using their name
  • Accessing HTML elements by their tag names
  • Accessing HTML elements using their class name
  • Modifying attributes of HTML elements
  • Creating the
  • Modifying DOM elements

Developing Interactive Forms with JavaScript

  • Modifying form properties
  • Modifying form elements
  • Modifying select lists
  • Conducting form validation - Part 1
  • Conducting form validation - Part 2
  • Conducting form validation - Part 3

JavaScript Security

  • Modifying cookies

JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

  • Calling external scripts

JavaScript and AJAX

  • Sending an AJAX request

Introduction to Web APIs

  • Storing data temporarily in a browser - Part 2
  • Storing data persistently in a browser - Part 1
  • Drawing graphics in a page
  • Debugging - Part 1
  • Debugging - Part 2

Exam FAQs

Here are the pre-requisites: CIW Web Foundations Associate or equivalent knowledge

GBP £150





15+ Lessons

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