CertNexus Certified Cyber Secure Coder®

Categories : CertNexus

This Course Includes:

Gain hands-on experience to pass the CertNexus CSC-210 exam with the CertNexus Certified Cyber Secure Coder® course and lab. The lab is versatile and delivers hands-on experience, replacing expensive physical labs. The cybersecurity course and lab comprehensively cover the CSC-210 exam objectives and provide skills required to design and develop applications for various platforms and analyse security concerns outside of specific languages and platforms.

What will you get:

The CertNexus Certified Cyber Secure Coder® certification exam is ideal for software developers, testers, and architects responsible for developing highly secure applications for business and organisational use. The certification exam covers the common security application development terminology and concepts along with the job and process responsibilities related to secure application development.

Lessons 1: Introduction

  • Course Description
  • How to Use This Course?
  • Course-Specific Technical Requirements
  • Install the Course Data Files

Lessons 2: Identifying the Need for Security in Your Software Projects

  • TOPIC A: Identify Security Requirements and Expectations
  • TOPIC B: Identify Factors That Undermine Software Security
  • TOPIC C: Find Vulnerabilities in Your Software
  • TOPIC D: Gather Intelligence on Vulnerabilities and Exploits

Lessons 3: Handling Vulnerabilities

  • TOPIC A: Handle Vulnerabilities Due to Software Defects and Misconfiguration
  • TOPIC B: Handle Vulnerabilities Due to Human Factors
  • OPIC C: Handle Vulnerabilities Due to Process Shortcomings

Lessons 4: Designing for Security

  • TOPIC A: Apply General Principles for Secure Design
  • TOPIC B: Design Software to Counter Specific Threats

Lessons 5: Developing Secure Code

  • TOPIC A: Follow Best Practices for Secure Coding
  • TOPIC B: Prevent Platform Vulnerabilities
  • TOPIC C: Prevent Privacy Vulnerabilities

Lessons 6: Implementing Common Protections

  • TOPIC A: Limit Access Using Login and User Roles
  • TOPIC B: Protect Data in Transit and At Rest
  • TOPIC C: Implement Error Handling and Logging
  • TOPIC D: Protect Sensitive Data and Functions
  • TOPIC E: Protect Database Access

Lessons 7: Testing Software Security

  • TOPIC A: Perform Security Testing
  • TOPIC B: Analyse Code to Find Security Problems
  • TOPIC C: Use Automated Testing Tools to Find Security Problems

Lessons 8: Maintaining Security in Deployed Software

  • TOPIC A: Monitor and Log Applications to Support Security
  • TOPIC B: Maintain Security After Deployment

Hands-on LAB Activities

Identifying the Need for Security in Your Software Projects

  • Identifying Vulnerabilities in an Application
  • Cracking a Password Hash
  • Fixing a Password Hash Vulnerability

Handling Vulnerabilities

  • Identifying Vulnerabilities in a Software Project
  • Examining the Project Files
  • Identifying Software Defects and Misconfiguration
  • Managing People Risks
  • Managing Software Development Process Risks

Designing for Security

  • Designing for Security

Developing Secure Code

  • Performing a Memory-Based Attack
  • Finding Common Web Vulnerabilities
  • Handling Privacy Defects

Implementing Common Protections

  • Handling Authentication and Authorisation Defects
  • Protecting Data in Transit and at Rest
  • Reviewing Error Handling
  • Improving Error Handling
  • Protecting Sensitive Data and Functions
  • Staging a Persisted XSS Attack on an Administrator Function
  • Protecting Database Access

Testing Software Security

  • Performing Manual Inspection and Review
  • Performing Code Analysis
  • Using a Test Suite to Automate Unit Testing

Maintaining Security in Deployed Software

  • Monitoring and Logging a Deployed Application

Exam FAQs

There are no formal prerequisites for the certification exam.

No application fee




8+ Lessons

Delivery Method:




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