Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)

This Course Includes:

Start your prep for the ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional certification with the Seven Learning course and labs. Lab simulates real-world, hardware, software, and command-line interface environments and can be mapped to any textbook, course, or training. The Information Systems Security certification course and lab cover exam objectives thoroughly and teach the principles of effective system security. Lessons and TestPrep will further prepare candidates for this certification exam with interactive item types.

What will you get:

The ISC2 CISSP certification is a highly acknowledged cybersecurity credential. This certification is ideal for professionals who are looking to demonstrate their knowledge across different security practices and principles. By earning this credential you will be able to implement, design and effectively manage a cybersecurity program. This certification provides information security professionals with an objective to measure competence and a globally recognised standard of achievement.

Lessons 1: Introduction

  • Overview of the CISSP Exam
  • The Elements of This Study Guide
  • Interactive Online Learning Environment and TestBank
  • Study Guide Exam Objectives
  • Objective Map

Lessons 2: Security Governance Through Principles and Policies

  • Security 101
  • Understand and Apply Security Concepts
  • Security Boundaries
  • Evaluate and Apply Security Governance Principles
  • Manage the Security Function
  • Security Policy, Standards, Procedures, and Guidelines
  • Threat Modeling
  • Supply Chain Risk Management
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 3: Personnel Security and Risk Management Concepts

  • Personnel Security Policies and Procedures
  • Understand and Apply Risk Management Concepts
  • Social Engineering
  • Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness, Education, and Training Program
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 4: Business Continuity Planning

  • Planning for Business Continuity
  • Project Scope and Planning
  • Business Impact Analysis
  • Continuity Planning
  • Plan Approval and Implementation
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 5: Laws, Regulations, and Compliance

  • Categories of Laws
  • Laws
  • State Privacy Laws
  • Compliance
  • Contracting and Procurement
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 6: Protecting Security of Assets

  • Identifying and Classifying Information and Assets
  • Establishing Information and Asset Handling Requirements
  • Data Protection Methods
  • Understanding Data Roles
  • Using Security Baselines
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 7: Cryptography and Symmetric Key Algorithms

  • Cryptographic Foundations
  • Modern Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Cryptographic Lifecycle
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 8: PKI and Cryptographic Applications

  • Asymmetric Cryptography
  • Hash Functions
  • Digital Signatures
  • Public Key Infrastructure
  • Asymmetric Key Management
  • Hybrid Cryptography
  • Applied Cryptography
  • Cryptographic Attacks
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 9: Principles of Security Models, Design, and Capabilities

  • Secure Design Principles
  • Techniques for Ensuring CIA
  • Understand the Fundamental Concepts of Security Models
  • Select Controls Based on Systems Security Requirements
  • Understand Security Capabilities of Information Systems
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 10: Security Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Countermeasures

  • Shared Responsibility
  • Assess and Mitigate the Vulnerabilities of Security Architectures, Designs, and Solution Elements
  • Client-Based Systems
  • Server-Based Systems
  • Industrial Control Systems
  • Distributed Systems
  • High-Performance Computing (HPC) Systems
  • Internet of Things
  • Edge and Fog Computing
  • Embedded Devices and Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Specialised Devices
  • Microservices
  • Infrastructure as Code
  • Virtualised Systems
  • Containerisation
  • Serverless Architecture
  • Mobile Devices
  • Essential Security Protection Mechanisms
  • Common Security Architecture Flaws and Issues
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 11: Physical Security Requirements

  • Apply Security Principles to Site and Facility Design
  • Implement Site and Facility Security Controls
  • Implement and Manage Physical Security
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 12: Secure Network Architecture and Components

  • OSI Model
  • TCP/IP Model
  • Analysing Network Traffic
  • Common Application Layer Protocols
  • Transport Layer Protocols
  • Domain Name System
  • Internet Protocol (IP) Networking
  • ARP Concerns
  • Secure Communication Protocols
  • Implications of Multilayer Protocols
  • Microsegmentation
  • Wireless Networks
  • Other Communication Protocols
  • Cellular Networks
  • Content Distribution Networks (CDNs)
  • Secure Network Components
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 13: Secure Communications and Network Attacks

  • Protocol Security Mechanisms
  • Secure Voice Communications
  • Remote Access Security Management
  • Multimedia Collaboration
  • Load Balancing
  • Manage Email Security
  • Virtual Private Network
  • Switching and Virtual LANs
  • Network Address Translation
  • Third-Party Connectivity
  • Switching Technologies
  • WAN Technologies
  • Fibre-Optic Links
  • Security Control Characteristics
  • Prevent or Mitigate Network Attacks
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 14: Managing Identity and Authentication

  • Controlling Access to Assets
  • Managing Identification and Authentication
  • Implementing Identity Management
  • Managing the Identity and Access Provisioning Lifecycle
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 15: Controlling and Monitoring Access

  • Comparing Access Control Models
  • Implementing Authentication Systems
  • Understanding Access Control Attacks
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 16: Security Assessment and Testing

  • Building a Security Assessment and Testing Program
  • Performing Vulnerability Assessments
  • Testing Your Software
  • Implementing Security Management Processes
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 17: Managing Security Operations

  • Apply Foundational Security Operations Concepts
  • Addressing Personnel Safety and Security
  • Provision Resources Securely
  • Apply Resource Protection
  • Managed Services in the Cloud
  • Perform Configuration Management (CM)
  • Managing Change
  • Managing Patches and Reducing Vulnerabilities
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 18: Preventing and Responding to Incidents

  • Conducting Incident Management
  • Implementing Detective and Preventive Measures
  • Logging and Monitoring
  • Automating Incident Response
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 19: Disaster Recovery Planning

  • The Nature of Disaster
  • Understand System Resilience, High Availability, and Fault Tolerance
  • Recovery Strategy
  • Recovery Plan Development
  • Training, Awareness, and Documentation
  • Testing and Maintenance
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 20: Investigations and Ethics

  • Investigations
  • Major Categories of Computer Crime
  • Ethics
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 21: Software Development Security

  • Introducing Systems Development Controls
  • Establishing Databases and Data Warehousing
  • Storage Threats
  • Understanding Knowledge-Based Systems
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Lessons 22: Malicious Code and Application Attacks

  • Malware
  • Malware Prevention
  • Application Attacks
  • Injection Vulnerabilities
  • Exploiting Authorisation Vulnerabilities
  • Exploiting Web Application Vulnerabilities
  • Application Security Controls
  • Secure Coding Practices
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
  • Written Lab

Hands-on LAB Activities

Security Governance Through Principles and Policies

  • Encrypting the Disk
  • Encrypting a File or Folder
  • Understanding documentation review

Personnel Security and Risk Management Concepts

  • Understanding and Applying Risk Management Concepts
  • Understanding Security Controls

Business Continuity Planning

  • Understanding Business Continuity Planning

Laws, Regulations, and Compliance

  • Understanding Laws related to IT

Protecting Security of Assets

  • Understanding Data Loss Prevention System

Cryptography and Symmetric Key Algorithms

  • Understanding Cryptographic Systems
  • Understanding Symmetric Encryption Algorithms

PKI and Cryptographic Applications

  • Observing an MD5-Generated Hash Value
  • Observing an SHA-Generated Hash Value
  • Using OpenSSL to Create a Public/Private Key Pair
  • Understanding the Diffie-Hellman Algorithm
  • Understanding the RSA Algorithm
  • Hiding Text Using Steganography
  • Understanding the Hardware Security Module

Principles of Security Models, Design, and Capabilities

  • Understanding Secure Design Principles
  • Understanding Evaluation Assurance Levels
  • Understanding Constrained Interface

Security Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Countermeasures

  • Understanding the Lifecycle of an Executed Process
  • Understanding the Internet Files Cache
  • Understanding Hypervisor
  • Understanding a Rootkit

Physical Security Requirements

  • Understanding Fire Detection Systems
  • Understanding Security Controls
  • Understanding Programmable Lock

Secure Network Architecture and Components

  • Understanding the OSI Mode
  • Understanding the Application Layer Protocols
  • Configuring IPSec
  • Understanding IP Classes
  • Understanding Virtual eXtensible LAN
  • Understanding 802.11 Wireless Networking Amendments
  • Understanding LiFi and Zigbee
  • Using Windows Firewall
  • Understanding Network Topologies

Secure Communications and Network Attacks

  • Configuring a VPN
  • Understanding IPsec's Encryption of a Packet in Transport and Tunnel Modes
  • Configuring VLANs
  • Configuring Dynamic NAT
  • Configuring Static NAT
  • Understanding NAT and PAT
  • Understanding Third-Party Connectivity
  • Understanding Circuit Switching and Packet Switching

Managing Identity and Authentication

  • Restricting Local Accounts

Controlling and Monitoring Access

  • Assigning Permissions to Folders
  • Examining Kerberos Settings
  • Performing Spoofing
  • Simulating an Eavesdropping Attack Using Wireshark
  • Using Rainbow Tables

Security Assessment and Testing

  • Configuring Audit Group Policy
  • Using nmap for Scanning
  • Conducting Vulnerability Scanning Using Nessus
  • Exploiting Windows 7 Using Metasploit
  • Scanning Ports Using Metasploit
  • Understanding Penetration Testing
  • Understanding Penetration Tests
  • Understanding the Fagan Inspections
  • Understanding Training and Awareness Program

Managing Security Operations

  • Understanding Security Operations
  • Understanding Privileged Account Management
  • Understanding Cloud Shared Responsibility Model

Preventing and Responding to Incidents

  • Performing DoS Attack with SYN Flood
  • Enabling Intrusion Prevention and Detection
  • Understanding Honeypots and Honeynets
  • Understanding Security Information and Event Management

Disaster Recovery Planning

  • Configuring RAID 5
  • Taking Incremental Backup
  • Taking a Full Backup

Investigations and Ethics

  • Completing the Chain of Custody
  • Understanding Organizational Code of Ethics

Software Development Security

  • Understanding Software Development Lifecycle
  • Understanding Software Capability Maturity Model
  • Understanding ACID Model
  • Understanding a Neural Network

Malicious Code and Application Attacks

  • Causing a DarkComet Trojan Infection
  • Understanding Antimalware Software
  • Exploiting a Website Using SQL Injection
  • Conducting a Cross-Site Request Forgery Attack
  • Attacking a Website Using XSS Injection

Exam FAQs

Candidates must have a minimum of five years cumulative paid work experience in two or more of the eight domains of the CISSP CBK Full-Time Experience: Must have worked a minimum of 35 hours/week for four weeks in order to accrue one month of work experience. Part-Time Experience: Your part-time experience cannot be less than 20 hours a week and no more than 34 hours a week.

GBP £750






22+ Lessons

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