Android Programming with Android Studio for Beginners

This Course Includes:

The Beginning Android Programming with Android Studio course and lab is designed for Android developers who want to start developing applications using Google’s Android SDK. The lab can be mapped to any course, textbook, or training, therefore, adding value and a hands-on component to training. The Android Programming course covers the necessary topics to help you understand the underlying architecture of the SDK and to appreciate why things are done in certain ways.

Lessons 1: Introduction

  • Who This Book Is For
  • What This Book Covers
  • How This Book Is Structured
  • What You Need to Use This Book
  • Conventions

Lessons 2: Getting Started with Android Programming

  • What Is Android?
  • Obtaining the Required Tools
  • Launching Your First Android Application
  • Summary

Lessons 3: Using Android Studio for Android Development

  • Exploring the IDE
  • Using Code Completion
  • Debugging Your Application
  • Publishing Your Application
  • Summary

Lessons 4: Activities, Fragments, and Intents

  • Understanding Activities
  • Linking Activities Using Intents
  • Fragments
  • Displaying Notifications
  • Summary

Lessons 5: Getting to Know the Android User Interface

  • Understanding the Components of a Screen
  • Adapting to Display Orientation
  • Managing Changes to Screen Orientation
  • Utilising the Action Bar
  • Creating the User Interface Programmatically
  • Listening for UI Notifications
  • Summary

Lessons 6: Designing Your User Interface with Views

  • Using Basic Views
  • Using Picker Views
  • Using List Views to Display Long Lists
  • Understanding Specialised Fragments
  • Summary

Lessons 7: Displaying Pictures and Menus with Views

  • Using Image Views to Display Pictures
  • Using Menus with Views
  • Using WebView
  • Summary

Lessons 8: Data Persistence

  • Saving and Loading User Preferences
  • Persisting Data to Files
  • Creating and Using Databases
  • Summary

Lessons 9: Content Providers

  • Sharing Data in Android
  • Using a Content Provider
  • Creating Your Own Content Providers
  • Using the Content Provider
  • Summary

Lessons 10: Messaging

  • SMS Messaging
  • Sending Email
  • Summary

Lessons 11: Location-Based Services

  • Displaying Maps
  • Getting Location Data
  • Monitoring a Location
  • Summary

Lessons 12: Networking

  • Consuming Web Services Using HTTP
  • Consuming JSON Services
  • Summary

Lessons 13: Developing Android Services

  • Creating Your Own Services
  • Establishing Communication Between a Service and an Activity
  • Binding Activities to Services
  • Understanding Threading
  • Summary

Lessons 14: Video Tutorials

  • Getting Started with an Android Phone
  • Brief Introduction to an Android Phone
  • Android Screen
  • Using Stylus with an Android Phone
  • Android Camera
  • Using Gestures to Interact with an Android Phone
  • Using Keypad to Interact with an Android Phone
  • Contacts in an Android Phone
  • Messaging in an Android Phone
  • Getting Connected to the Internet
  • Getting Started with an Email Application in an Android Phone
  • Music App
  • WrapUp

Hands-on LAB Activities

Getting Started with Android Programming

  • Using Android Studio to Create an Android Virtual Device
  • Installing the Android SDK
  • Creating and Launching Android Virtual Devices (AVDs)
  • Creating and Running an Android App

Using Android Studio for Android Development

  • Using the Code Completion Tool
  • Debugging an Application
  • Publishing an Application

Activities, Fragments, and Intents

  • Understanding the Life Cycle of an Activity
  • Applying Styles and Themes to an Activity
  • Hiding the Activity Title
  • Displaying a Dialog Window
  • Displaying a Progress Dialog Window
  • Passing Data Using an Intent Object
  • Linking Activities Using Intents
  • Returning Results from an Intent
  • Using Fragments
  • Adding Fragments During Runtime
  • Understanding the Life Cycle of a Fragment
  • Communicating Between Fragments
  • Understanding the Intent Object
  • Displaying Notifications on the Status Bar

Getting to Know the Android User Interface

  • Placing a TextView Within a FrameLayout
  • Using TableLayout
  • Using RelativeLayout
  • Using FrameLayout
  • Using ScrollView
  • Adapting to Display Orientation
  • Anchoring Views in the Android App
  • Understanding the Activity Behaviour When Orientation Changes
  • Showing and Hiding the Action Bar
  • Adding Action Items to the Action Bar
  • Creating the UI Via Code

Designing Your User Interface with Views

  • Handling View Events
  • Using the ProgressBar View
  • Using the AutoCompleteTextView
  • Using the TimePicker View
  • Using a Dialog to Display the TimePicker View
  • Using the DatePicker View
  • Displaying a Long List of Items Using the ListView
  • Enabling Filtering and Multi-Item Support in the ListView
  • Storing Items in the strings.xml File
  • Checking Which Items Are Selected
  • Using the SpinnerView to Display One Item at a Time
  • Creating and Using a List Fragment
  • Creating and Using a Preference Fragment
  • Creating and Using a Dialog Fragment

Displaying Pictures and Menus with Views

  • Using the Image View
  • Using the ImageSwitcher View
  • Using the GridView View
  • Creating the Menu Helper Methods
  • Displaying an Options Menu
  • Displaying a Context Menu
  • Displaying a Context Menu

Data Persistence

  • Saving Data to Internal Storage
  • Saving Data to External Storage
  • Creating the DBAdapter Helper Class
  • Adding Contacts to a Table
  • Retrieving All Contacts from a Table
  • Retrieving a Contact from a Table
  • Updating a Contact in a Table
  • Deleting a Contact from a Table

Exam FAQs

FAQ's are not Available for this course.



Android Programming with Android


14+ Lessons

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